Straight (Exact Order) |
12345 | 12345 | $25,000 | $50,000 |
5 digits in exact order. 1 Way to win. Odds - 1 in 100,000 |
Box (Any Order) |
5-Way Box | 11112 | 11112, 11121, 11211, 12111, 21111 | $5,000 | $10,000 |
4 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 20,000 |
10-Way Box | 11122 | 11122, 11212, 12112, 21112, 11221, 12121, 21121, 12211, 21211, 22111 | $2,500 | $5,000 |
3 identical digits plus 1 pair of identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 10,000 |
20-Way Box | 11123 | 11123, 11213, 12113, 21113, 11132, 11312, 13112, 31112, 11231, 12131, 21131, 11321, 13121, 31121, 12311, 21311, 13211, 31211, 23111, 32111 | $1,250 | $2,500 |
3 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 5,000 |
30-Way Box | 11223 | 11223, 12123, 21123, 12213, 21213, 22113, 11232, 12132, 21132, 11322, 13122, 31122, 12312, 21312, 13212, 31212, 23112, 32112, 12231, 21231, 22131, 12321, 21321, 13221, 31221, 23121, 32121, 22311, 23211, 32211 | $800 | $1,600 |
2 pairs of identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 3,333 |
60-Way Box | 11234 | 11234, 12134, 21134, 11324, 13124, 31124, 12314, 21314, 13214, 31214, 23114, 32114, 11243, 12143, 21143, 11423, 14123, 41123, 12413, 21413, 14213, 41213, 24113, 42113, 11342, 13142, 31142, 11432, 14132, 41132, 13412, 31412, 14312, 41312, 34112, 43112, 12341, 21341, 13241, 31241, 23141, 32141, 12431, 21431, 14231, 41231, 24131, 42131, 13421, 31421, 14321, 41321, 34121, 43121, 23411, 32411, 24311, 42311, 34211, 43211 | $400 | $800 |
2 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 1,667 |
120-Way Box | 12345 | 12345, 21345, 13245, 31245, 23145, 32145, 12435, 21435, 14235, 41235, 24135, 42135, 13425, 31425, 14325, 41325, 34125, 43125, 23415, 32415, 24315, 42315, 34215, 43215, 12354, 21354, 13254, 31254, 23154, 32154, 12534, 21534, 15234, 51234, 25134, 52134, 13524, 31524, 15324, 51324, 35124, 53124, 23514, 32514, 25314, 52314, 35214, 53214, 12453, 21453, 14253, 41253, 24153, 42153, 12543, 21543, 15243, 51243, 25143, 52143, 14523, 41523, 15423, 51423, 45123, 54123, 24513, 42513, 25413, 52413, 45213, 54213, 13452, 31452, 14352, 41352, 34152, 43152, 13542, 31542, 15342, 51342, 35142, 53142, 14532, 41532, 15432, 51432, 45132, 54132, 34512, 43512, 35412, 53412, 45312, 54312, 23451, 32451, 24351, 42351, 34251, 43251, 23541, 32541, 25341, 52341, 35241, 53241, 24531, 42531, 25431, 52431, 45231, 54231, 34521, 43521, 35421, 53421, 45321, 54321 | $200 | $400 |
5 unique digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 833 |
Straight/Box |
5-Way Straight/Box | 11112 | 11112 (Exact Order) | $30,000 |
11121, 11211, 12111, 21111 (Any Order) | OR $5,000 |
Straight and Box with 4 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 20,000 |
10-Way Straight/Box | 11122 | 11122 (Exact Order) | $27,500 |
11212, 12112, 21112, 11221, 12121, 21121, 12211, 21211, 22111 (Any Order) | OR $2,500 |
Straight and Box with 3 identical digits plus 1 pair of identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 10,000 |
20-Way Straight/Box | 11123 | 11123 (Exact Order) | $26,250 |
11213, 12113, 21113, 11132, 11312, 13112, 31112, 11231, 12131, 21131, 11321, 13121, 31121, 12311, 21311, 13211, 31211, 23111, 32111 (Any Order) | OR $1,250 |
Straight and Box with 3 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 5,000 |
30-Way Straight/Box | 11223 | 11223 (Exact Order) | $25,800 |
12123, 21123, 12213, 21213, 22113, 11232, 12132, 21132, 11322, 13122, 31122, 12312, 21312, 13212, 31212, 23112, 32112, 12231, 21231, 22131, 12321, 21321, 13221, 31221, 23121, 32121, 22311, 23211, 32211 (Any Order) | OR $800 |
Straight and Box with 2 pairs of identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 3,333 |
60-Way Straight/Box | 11234 | 11234 (Exact Order) | $25,400 |
12134, 21134, 11324, 13124, 31124, 12314, 21314, 13214, 31214, 23114, 32114, 11243, 12143, 21143, 11423, 14123, 41123, 12413, 21413, 14213, 41213, 24113, 42113, 11342, 13142, 31142, 11432, 14132, 41132, 13412, 31412, 14312, 41312, 34112, 43112, 12341, 21341, 13241, 31241, 23141, 32141, 12431, 21431, 14231, 41231, 24131, 42131, 13421, 31421, 14321, 41321, 34121, 43121, 23411, 32411, 24311, 42311, 34211, 43211 (Any Order) | OR $400 |
Straight and Box with 2 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 1,667 |
120-Way Straight/Box | 12345 | 12345 (Exact Order) | $25,200 |
21345, 13245, 31245, 23145, 32145, 12435, 21435, 14235, 41235, 24135, 42135, 13425, 31425, 14325, 41325, 34125, 43125, 23415, 32415, 24315, 42315, 34215, 43215, 12354, 21354, 13254, 31254, 23154, 32154, 12534, 21534, 15234, 51234, 25134, 52134, 13524, 31524, 15324, 51324, 35124, 53124, 23514, 32514, 25314, 52314, 35214, 53214, 12453, 21453, 14253, 41253, 24153, 42153, 12543, 21543, 15243, 51243, 25143, 52143, 14523, 41523, 15423, 51423, 45123, 54123, 24513, 42513, 25413, 52413, 45213, 54213, 13452, 31452, 14352, 41352, 34152, 43152, 13542, 31542, 15342, 51342, 35142, 53142, 14532, 41532, 15432, 51432, 45132, 54132, 34512, 43512, 35412, 53412, 45312, 54312, 23451, 32451, 24351, 42351, 34251, 43251, 23541, 32541, 25341, 52341, 35241, 53241, 24531, 42531, 25431, 52431, 45231, 54231, 34521, 43521, 35421, 53421, 45321, 54321 (Any Order) | OR $200 |
Straight and Box with 5 unique digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 833 |
Front/Back |
Front 4 | Wager 1234* Draw 12349 | 1234* | $2,500 | $5,000 |
First four numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 10,000 |
Back 4 | Wager 2345 Draw 62345 | *2345 | $2,500 | $5,000 |
Last four numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 10,000 |
Front 3 | Wager 123* Draw 12379 | 123** | $250 | $500 |
First three numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 1,000 |
Back 3 | Wager 345 Draw 60345 | **345 | $250 | $500 |
Last three numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 1,000 |
Front Pair | Wager 12* Draw 12779 | 12*** | $25 | $50 |
First two numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 100 |
Back Pair | Wager ***45 Draw 60845 | ***45 | $25 | $50 |
Last two numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 100 |